Saturday, January 21, 2012

Picture Time

Last week, Gllen and I went to an open house at my sister's new office. They were showing off their new digs, and hosting a little party. Gllen and I were sitting with my sister, in the conference room with all the food. The president of Lynette's company saw us and decided to snap a picture. Gllen was in "being polite" mode, so he was not able to do his normal hand-in-front-of-face or scrurry-out-of-the-frame moves that he usually employs when a camera pops up. The picture was taken, and I felt proud of him for being so compliant.

Fast forward to later when we are driving home in our car. Gllen starts to laugh and tells me, "I saw the funniest thing." He starts to laugh harder, and it was almost a full minute before he could gain his composure enough to tell me what it was. "It was when we were getting our picture taken. This lady was at the food table and dishing up a meatball. One of the meatballs falls off her plate and rolled under the table." He guffaws, "She started looking around for it. But there was a really long table cloth, so she couldn't see it. But it had rolled under the table, and I could see it from where I was sitting."

He starts to laugh again, practically foaming at the mouth, he's so amused. "But we were having our picture taken. And it was taking forever. So I just watched this lady searching around for like three minutes, trying to find this meatball. All the while, I'm looking right at it. But I couldn't shout, 'Your meatball is over here.' because the picture might be taken. So she finally gave up, and sorta looked around, hoping no one saw what happened. BUT I SAW IT!"

He has me giggling by this point, and we make each other laugh harder. He tells me, "So, I sat there just watching and laughing to myself. So if the camera had worked right away, they would have gotten the most smiley picture of me there has ever been taken."

I burst out into my own guffaws. "OMG, my parents were probably looking at you and wondering how this random person taking a picture can get you to smile, but you never smile for them!"

We dissolve into giggles again. Gllen tries to image what my parents are saying to each other on the way home. "Why does he never smile in our pictures?"

Apparently, all you need is the Comedy of Meatballs.

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